Welfare Rights Advice (to 1st November 2013) | 07507 854 992 |
Children and Families
Baby Feeding Team Service CityCare Health & Care Point | 0115 8834900 |
Family Nurse Partnership (support for patients under 19 who are having their first baby) | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 13100300 |
Community Nursing Service | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300131 0300 |
Falls and Bone Health (falls risk assessment and support for anyone aged over 65) | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
Intermediate Care (assessment and rehabilitation for patients who might be at crisis point and in need of health and social care support) | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
Tissue Viability | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
Long Term Conditions
Community Cardiac Rehabilitation Service | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
Community Stroke Service (patients can self-refer for up to 2 years after first being seen by the service) | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
Integrated Respiratory Service | 0115 8833622 |
JUGGLE diabetes education service | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
T2ONIC (structured education for patients with type 2 diabetes on insulin) | 0115 962 7621 |
Mental Health
Empowerment+ (offers are wide range of advice and support for people living with mental health issues) | 0115 924 8021 http://www.empowermentplus.org.uk/ |
NHS Talking Therapies | Professional and self-referrals can be made using the form on the service’s website or by telephone:www.notts-talk.co.uk 0333 188 1060 |
ISAS specialist counselling for women (16+) who have experienced sexual violence | 01636 610313 http://www.isas-notts.org.uk/ |
Mental Health telephone helpline (emotional support and signposting service- 5pm-9am and 24 hours at weekends) | 0800 561 0072 |
Stroke and Neurology
Community Neurology Service | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
Speech and Language Therapy | 0115 8834707 |
Healthy Lifestyle and Obesity
Healthy Change (Signposting service for patients who smoke, are overweight, are inactive or have a poor diet). Signposting is offered to the following: · Go4It – Children’s Weight Management · New Leaf smoking cessation · Motivate a 12 week weight management programme for men · Eatwell 4 Life . Cook and Eat classes. · Active For Life (YMCA) offers a free 12-week exercise programme · Slimming World on Referral offers free 12–week programme · Be Fit offers free gym use, fitness classes and swimming for city residents who receive certain benefits. · Best Foot Forward offers free weekly short guided health walks · Ridewise (Cycling for Health) offers free cycle training sessions · Smokefree Homes support to protect children and family members of smokers | Healthy Change: 0345 604 7352 New Leaf 0800 561 21 21 Motivate 0115 955 7215 |
Last Orders offers advice about alcohol | 0115 9709590 |
StubIt! Stop Smoking Service | Contact the surgery to book an appointment at the GP+ Parliament Street clinic |
Community Rehabilitation Service | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
Community Macmillan Service | 0115 883 4370 |
Continence Service | Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300 |
MSK Physiotherapy Service | By telephone: Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300Online:https://accesstoservices.citycare.org.uk/ |
Podiatry Service via a referral form | http://www.nottinghamcity.nhs.uk/images/stories/docs/Services/Podatry_leaflet_WEB.pdf http://www.nottinghamcity.nhs.uk/images/stories/docs/Services/Podiatry_form_WEB.pdfUnfortunately, patients who have low/no medical need and minor foot conditions, such as requiring nail care or treatment for corns and callus, will no longer have access to the NHS-funded service. |
HomelessHealth Team | 0115 8831352 |
Termination of pregnancy | British Pregnancy Advisory Service – 03457 304030 (24 hours) |
Sexual Health Services | https://sexualhealth.nuh.nhs.uk/Booking#/yourdetails |