Self Referral Information

Welfare Rights Advice (to 1st November 2013)07507 854 992

Children and Families

Baby Feeding Team Service CityCare Health & Care Point0115 8834900
Family Nurse Partnership (support for patients under 19 who are having their first baby)Nottingham Health and Care Point   on 0300 13100300


Community Nursing ServiceNottingham Health and Care Point on 0300131 0300
Falls and Bone Health (falls risk assessment and support for anyone aged over 65)Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300
Intermediate Care (assessment and rehabilitation for patients who might be at crisis point and in need of health and social care support)Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300
Tissue ViabilityNottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300

Long Term Conditions

Community Cardiac Rehabilitation ServiceNottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300
Community Stroke Service (patients can self-refer for up to 2 years after first being seen by the service)Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300
Integrated Respiratory Service0115 8833622
JUGGLE diabetes education serviceNottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300
T2ONIC (structured education for patients with type 2 diabetes on insulin)0115 962 7621

Mental Health

Empowerment+ (offers are wide range of advice and support for people living with mental health issues)0115 924 8021
NHS Talking TherapiesProfessional and self-referrals can be made using the form on the service’s website or by 0333 188 1060
ISAS specialist counselling for women (16+) who have experienced sexual violence01636 610313
Mental Health telephone helpline (emotional support and signposting service- 5pm-9am and 24 hours at weekends)0800 561 0072

Stroke and Neurology

Community Neurology Service  Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300
Speech and Language Therapy0115 8834707

Healthy Lifestyle and Obesity

Healthy Change (Signposting service for patients who smoke, are overweight, are inactive or have a poor diet). Signposting is offered to the following:
·         Go4It – Children’s Weight Management
·         New Leaf smoking cessation
·         Motivate  a 12 week weight management programme for men
·         Eatwell 4 Life   . Cook and Eat classes.
·         Active For Life (YMCA)   offers a free 12-week exercise  programme
·         Slimming World on Referral   offers free 12week programme
·         Be Fit   offers free gym use, fitness classes and swimming for city residents who receive certain benefits.
·         Best Foot Forward   offers free weekly short guided health walks
·         Ridewise (Cycling for Health)   offers free cycle training sessions
·         Smokefree Homes   support to protect children and family members of smokers
Healthy Change:
0345 604 7352
New Leaf 0800 561 21 21
Motivate 0115 955 7215
Last Orders  offers advice about alcohol0115 9709590
StubIt! Stop Smoking ServiceContact the surgery to book an appointment at the GP+ Parliament Street clinic


Community Rehabilitation ServiceNottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300
Community Macmillan Service0115 883 4370
Continence ServiceNottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300
MSK Physiotherapy ServiceBy telephone: Nottingham Health and Care Point on 0300 131 0300Online:
Podiatry Service via a referral form, patients who have low/no medical need and minor foot conditions, such as requiring nail care or treatment for corns and callus, will no longer have access to the NHS-funded service.
HomelessHealth Team0115 8831352
Termination of pregnancyBritish Pregnancy Advisory Service – 03457 304030 (24 hours)
Sexual Health Services